Top 10k strings from All in a Day's Work (1996)(Zenobi Software)(Side B).dsk
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33 Track-Info 6 WORKC 4 WORKJS B 4 WORKJS A 4 PART2 A 3 s#r####s#r 3 "RAMSAVE and RAMLOAD will store and restore your game position to and from memory. Note, however, that this ""snapshot"" will be lost when the power is switched off! QS and QL, alternatives to the above, are also available." 2 {GwNw6|G|Q| 2 {5{L{Y{a{v{ 2 x=xExIxgxjx 2 w$w,w2w;wSw[wfwnw 2 qrstuvwxyz{|}~ 2 WORKJS BAK 2 WORKJS @ 2 WORKJS 2 TOD2 B 2 TOD1 B 2 TOD1 2 Select Device/Cat. 2 PAWOVR 1 2 PART2 B 2 PART2 @ 2 F56789:;<= 2 F#$%&'()*+ 2 Do you require diagnostics? 2 A:01234567.?j 2 >?@ABCDEFGHIJKLM 2 ;u!;v";w,& 2 ;"323^Ln&& 2 ;" FOLLOW or nF (where the ""n"" is the initial letter of their name), e.g FRED FOLLOW or FF. FRED STAY and FS will have the opposite effect." 2 ;!u;"v;,wI;u!;w" 2 7LOPX%&'()*+,/056?JKMTUV^_efhij-.12389:;GHYZ[ 2 6z;u!;v";w, 2 &X;u!;v";w, 2 "workjs.b" 2 "workjs.a" 2 "workjs.@" 2 "several agents burst in and attempt to take control of the situation. A gunfight develops and Schultz and one of your colleagues are killed. You reveal to the remaining crooks that Parker was wired and that they will rot in jail!": 2 "You lose miserably in the game and your opponents realise that you cannot be Wilder. You must be an imposter. Schultz kills you.": 2 "You feel your life slipping away, miserably. You are dead.": 2 "You are uninjured since you are wearing the necessary protection. But you and Wauchope had the upper hand. More so than the villains can ever appreciate. The Bureau has been staking out the warehouse and "; 2 "Use AGAIN to repeat the previous command, and refer to males and females as HIM and HER respectively, to avoid re-typing their full name." 2 "This game supports the usual TAKE ALL etc, as well as EXAMINE ALL. We are sure you will find this facility useful as well as time saving." 2 "Schultz realises that you obviously do not know the password. He kills you. ": 2 "Schultz and Malone boast at length about how they arranged Lumberjack's murder. You win at the game and all eyes are on you and Wauchope, or Wilder and his secretary as they believe you to be. ": 2 "Please refer to the INFO text, which lists the main abbreviations available." 2 "Malone and Parker arrive in the casino and sit down at the table, as does Schultz. Schultz deals the cards and the game begins. ";: 2 "If you require one of the characters in the game to follow you and, providing that they will follow you, then either "; 2 "I'm afraid that the Pentagon has finally pulled the plug on this investigation. Your time is up!": 2 "As Malone, Wilder and the secretary are taken away, you and Wauchope smile in the knowledge that you have done a very good job, but then it's ALL IN A DAY'S WORK. You have completed the game. ": 2 "Abbreviations will suffice for the following commands:": 2 "A:WORKJS.@" 2 " WE - WEAR" 2 " RS - RAMSAVE" 2 " RL - RAMLOAD" 2 " RE - REMOVE" 2 " GI - GIVE" 2 " DR - DROP" 2 " CL - CLOSE" 2 " Z - WAIT" 2 " V - VOCAB" 2 " T - THROW" 2 " Q - QUIT" 2 " O - OPEN" 2 " I - INVENTORY" 2 " G - GET" 2 " F - FOLLOW" 2 " C - SEARCH" 2 " A - AGAIN" 2 Professional 1 y#$%&'()*+,-./012 1 y for Main Menu. 1 ou can omit the verb SAY and the speech marks if you wish." 1 game!ed.ners.d!g 1 e you will find this facility useful as well as time saving." 1 `Track-Info 1 ^eyentureves.d!g 1 ZNOPQRSTUVWX 1 XTrack-Info 1 Version A17+3 1 VNOPQRSTUVWX 1 START A 1 Press any key to continue. 1 POSITION # 1 PAWCODE 1 ORK 1 O!8O!QO!ZO![K 1 GMTrack-Info 1 EXTENDED CPC DSK File 1 DISK 1 CPDRead v3.24 1 A:WORKJS.@ 1 :t\PLUS3DOS 1 80Track-Info 1 /J&Track-Info 1 .l>:Track-Info 1 , then ENTER... 1 #$%&'()*+,-./012 1 "Use compass directions to move about, GET and DROP objects; EXAMINE, SEARCH and look in certain things. TALK to characters, as you may need to instruct them. This can be done by using the formula SAY TO x ""y"". You can omit the verb SAY and the speech marks if you wish." 1 "Use compass directions to move about, GET and DROP objects; EXAMINE, SEARCH and look in certain things. TALK to characters, as you may need to instruct them. This can be done by using the formula SAY TO x ""y"". YTrack-Info 1 "Use AGAIN to repeat the previous command, and refer to malesCompres 1 "The real Wilder and the secretary burst into the casino, apologising for their lateness. You are recognised as who you really are! Schultz shoots you n the chest. ";: 1 "The real Wilder and the secretary burst into the casino, apologising for their lateness. You are recognised as who you really are! Schultz shoots you in the chest. ";: 1 "One additional command which is available in this game is EXITS ON/OFF if you don't always - for some curious reason - want to know which way you can go. However, at any stage typing EXITS on its own will provide you with a list of the exits." 1 "One additional command which is available in this game is EXITS ON/OFF if you don't always - for some curious reason - want to know which way you can go. However, at any stage typing EXITS on its own will provide you with a list of the exits. "''"You can WAIT 15, 30 or HOUR." 1 "A:01234567.012" 1 in name of file 1 UserPLUS3DOS 1 Professional Adventure Writer 1 EXTVEC: 34768 PRTADD: 1 (c) 1986 Gilsoft International Unauthorised copying, hiring or lending of this system or its documentation strictly 1 Press any key for Main Menu.